Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I know, i am a little after midnight but i am counting this as a monday entry :-)

Always this time of year there is whale news up here.

Song of the Day:
The Dream Academy - "Life in a Northern Town"


Diane said...

Shooting a whale with a machine gun is pretty hard not to denounce

EditThis said...

Great song of the day.

I'm confused by some key info I thought I would see in the video which is WHY did they kill the whale? It's pretty inhumane to let anything take 10 hrs to die.

Virtual Producer
Robert Riley

They killed the whale because they could. "it's in my blood" was the exact quote.

See the government let's them go out and hunt whales like every 8 years as it stands now.. I think it's 8 years...not sure on that fact. Anyway.. this was not a government sanctioned hunt, which is why the tribe is denouncing it.

The guy who killed the whale's defence was "it's in my blood, it's what we do" ... so do we make that accemptable for someone of German decent who lived during WWII? Oh they killed that Jewish person.. oh well, it's in their blood.. People change, we evolve and that should include American Indians.. that's my opinion.. aside from the obvious mis-treatment of animals.. :-(

A lot of these stories are told from a 'hyper-local' point of view. They are not published as national news, just on my local site. Up here this has been going on for years and years, it is a HUGE story every year and everyone knows all the backstory on it. No reason to waste airtime on details people already know. They only get 1:30 to tell you what's new and what is going to happent next. Not an easy task.

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Virtual Producer
Robert Riley
I am a pretty easy going person but complex. I love music, film and art. I have a strong passion for the internet, television and websites.
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9/15/07 - Volunteer Park - Seattle, WA


Anderson Island Visit



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