Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I am a huge fan of our FOX animation shows. On King of the Hill there was an episode where Hanks neighbor, Dale Gribble, breeds and raises Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. I thought this was an imaginary thing, until today when they brought them to the studio for "Wild Animal Wednesday" on Q13 FOX News This Morning.
NOTE: IF YOU DON'T LIKE BUGS, DON'T WATCH THIS.. It is close up explanation of what they are while they crawl all over (not for anyone who can't stand cockroaches.)
Other News:
City Worker Charged With Attempted Rape
Mayor Nickel's Son To Plead Guilty To Casino Cheating
Teens Missing On Rafting Trip Found Safe
I didn't spend much time in the newsroom today. The creative department had an off-site meeting. We did brainstorming and had lunch (Ile and I had the burger and it was burned..yuk.) It is kind of fun to be with co-workers in a place you would not normally be. It was interesting to see what certain people were into. The idea was to get into a highly creative environment to stimulate us into new ideas of how to promote the entertainment and news products.

Song Of The Day
Fastball - The Way
Again, sometime it's just the words... "Where were they going without ever knowing the way?" is my favorite line in this song. - night
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About Me

- Virtual Producer
Robert Riley - I am a pretty easy going person but complex. I love music, film and art. I have a strong passion for the internet, television and websites.
My Blog List
Episode 326: The WGA Strike1 year ago
Tauba Auerbach's RGB Colorspace Atlas9 years ago
I'm So Famous It Hurts9 years ago
I haven't written15 years ago
Reunion.15 years ago
I'm The New Guy16 years ago
I don't know you! That's my purse!
Rob - Thank you for the donation that you made! It was such a wonderful suprise. You have a great blog and a big heart! I will add you to my blog roll. Thanks again!
Robert Riley said...
Ile! LOL You have to explain that..LOL There is an episode of King of the HIll where Bobby takes a womens self defence class. Then he goes around yelling "I don't know you, that's my purse" and kicking men/boys in the testicles.
The best part about out job is that when we find something funny or interesting we can usually work it into our work. Ile put that in a promo she was making, it was hilarious! Was that one nominated for an Emmy Miss Ile/Susan Lucci?
Ile, if you still have that mpg, can you post it to your blog? It would be great to show some of your promos that you make!
Ile is very modest.. she is one of the most talented writer/producer/editors that I have ever met.
ryan, you are very welcome. I think you and Tiffany have the big hearts for giving your time and energy for these great causes. I am doing a 5K Walk for Hope here in Seattle next month but I don't have to gather donations, just walk on our tv station team (they are putting up the cash.) Again, you are welcome and break a leg.. no wait.. don't do that. Just do good. :-)
Thanks for the bug video warning. I won't be checking that out. EW!
The Way by Fastball is a total blast from the past. It's very highschool for me. Good song choice!
I forgot about that Fastball song. I have fond memories of Toronto, which is where I was when it was in rotation.
I was going to see the Bodies exhibit when I was in Melbourne, but I never got out there.
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